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Projects and Goals

Our new town workers are doing a great job of getting the park back in shape! 

We now have a plan in place to continue to revitalize our park. Volunteers are going to be allowed to assist the village workers in the maintenance and care of the park.  A very specific set of criteria governs the new program. After meeting with the Madison County Probation Department community service workers will once again be allowed to serve their time helping us maintain the park. Taxpayers should be very happy with the plan because it saves our limited resources.  ​​

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Marine Nearing Completion On Over $3 Million New Construction
Stephanie Malench

"The Marine Village Board met on September 20 and approved several important spending items pertaining to its parks and surrounding areas. Three citizens spoke during public comment."

"The final public comment was from Lynn Scherer, founder of the Wood Preservation Association informed the Village that the Tank Park has had 10 trees cut down in the past year and none planted since 1984. He asked Tracy to take a vote on which board members were in favor of planting trees. Tracy said nothat residents could approach the board members and tell them more trees need to be planted. Scherer also announced that the Village would have new homes completed and occupied with an assessed valuation of over $3 million." 
Read the full article on The Troy Times Tribune 9/28/23

A future goal is to improve the drainage in the park. 

If we can improve the drainage we will cut the mosquito issues for the whole town. We also appreciate any help that the people that use the park can provide. If you see litter, put it in a can. It takes a lot of small jobs to make the park look great.  

Road Constuction
Roads are much better this year.

Road resurfacing is now completed for 2021. The material that was used this year produces much less dust than the last two years. We were able to make this change and still stay within our budget. 

Bathroom Toilet
$80,000 has been put in the fund

We have hired an engineering company to begin videoing the sewer lines so we can see all of the problems that we have. Once this phase of the work is complete, we will assess the findings and proceed to what we believe are the priorities.

Clean up the Lake

For the last five years, the Wood Preservation Association of Marine, Inc ("WPA") has been working to clean up the park around the lake. Planting new trees, removing old and dead trees, removing invasive species, and installing boxes for the red fox squirrels are some of the things the WPA has been doing to make the appearance around the park and lake better for all to enjoy.  If anyone has an idea or a couple of hours to help with this worthwhile project, it would be greatly appreciated. This park belongs to everyone and is one of the great joys of living in Marine. 

© 2023 by Down the Rabbit Hole. 

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